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Professor Nick Golledge
Inaugural Lecture: Professor Nicholas Golledge
Professor Nick Golledge - Speaking on the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
Ice sheets and sea level: past, present, future - Associate Professor Nick Golledge
How ice changes world weather—Interview w/Dr. Nicholas Golledge—Radio Ecoshock 2019-02-21
Nicholas Golledge: ”An awful place”: Antarctica and its impact on our world
Predicting and detecting tipping points and regime shifts in Antarctic and Southern Ocean systems
Smithy's Indian takeaway - Gavin and Stacey - BBC
How does past climate change inform us about future sea-level rise?
Microsoft Surface at Churchend Primary School
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Major Takeaways and Implications for Climate Adaptation Action
Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University, Wellington NZ